Engaging in Research

Engaging in Research at Oregon State University

The Office of Undergraduate Research works provide every undergraduate student at OSU the tools to engage in research with faculty mentors.

Why Conduct Undergraduate Research?

Click the links below to learn more on getting involved!

sunburst over the Valley Library quad


University Wide Research Programs

Click here to learn more about research available to students throughout the university and individual colleges.

person with black gloves holding a petri dish, extracting orange liquid with a measured tube


Explore Current Research Opportunities for Undergraduate Students

Click here to see a list of faculty members looking for undergraduate support in their research.

multicolored canyon with a river running through it


Summer Research Programs

Click here for more information on summer research opportunities.

two people sitting on couches opposite each other


Finding Faculty mentors in your College

Click here to find more information about who to contact within your college for research opportunities.

person typing at a laptop


Ecampus Research Unit

Click here to explore the current projects being done in the Ecampus Research Unit and the Research Fellows program.

people walking on a wide cement promenade in front of a tall tan building


OSU Cascades Undergraduate Research

Click here to see all of the research that the OSU Cascades campus is engaged in!